Agnes Armstrong
Agnes Armstrong, © Waringarri Arts, Kununurra, WA
Picture of Agnes Armstrong
"In this area of traditional country - Ngamoolwarrem is Ivanhoe Station where I used to work. I was born there and I started working there when I was a kid. During the holiday time and flood time we would travel away from the river to camp and hunt." -- Agnes Armstrong

USD $450
Agnes has painted the story of life at old Ivanhoe Station. The gray line that comes from the Ivanhoe Ranges is the old Wyndham Road used by Aboriginal peoples to travel to the station for holiday. The two billabongs show where Agnes swam and fished. This is where all the people from the different tribes would spend time together. In the hills to the right is the waterfall, Black Rock Falls, which can be seen from Kununurra in the wet season.

USD $1600
This painting is a detail of Black Rock Falls, which, in the wet season, can be seen from town. Agnes has painted the story of life at Old Ivanhoe Station, a central gathering place for Aboriginal peoples. Agnes says that in the old days all the different Aboriginal tribes would come to the station for holiday, good food and socializing. All around are the footprints of people walking around in the old days.

USD $800
"This is my mother's country in the far north of the East Kimberley in Kununurra, Western Australia. The name Goonoonoorra is my language Mirriwoong name meaning Big Waters. The brown and blue colors represents hills. The hill at the bottom left of the painting is called Thethebeleng - Sleeping Buddha and next to it on the right the hill is called Mount Cecil - Mirima National Park. In the center of the painting the is called Thegoowiyeng - Kelly's Knob Lookout. The blue hill is called Nyamoowalem - The Ivanhoe Ranges. The main Ord River flows from the bottom left up towards through along side pass Kununurra town and around the Ivanhoe Ranges. This is where I grew up with my family at the Ivanhoe cattle station." -- Agnes Armstrong

USD $2,000
"This is my country where I stay - Goonoonoorra, Kununurra in the East Kimberley. These are the hills, the river, the grasses showing the different colours of people that live here -- black and white and brown. In the middle is Thoogoiyem - Kelly's Knob. To the right is Mirma Hill (Mt. Cecil) and Thoomoongoong - Hidden Valley. On the left is the Sleeping Buddah. Across the top of the painting is Yamanwaling - Ivanhoe Hills. The Ord River flows right through here." -- Agnes Armstrong.

USD $1400
Agnes Armstrong is a gifted emerging artist painting out of Waringarri Arts Center in Kununurra, Western Australia. Her painting, "Ivanhoe Station" won acclaim at the 24th Telstra Art Awards in 2007. Agnes was born at Ivanhoe Station and grew up listening to the Dreaming stories of the community elders. They taught her how to fish and hunt and about gathering bush tucker (food). Agnes celebrates these times in her paintings.

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#117 Charlotte, NC 28202